
Only the top four scores advance. Will it be four teams, five teams, six teams or even more?
Find out after the break.

Those of you who played before will have to let me know if you like the new partner format over the solo format. One thing new I like is new Colin. He’s even more friendly, more enthusiastic and more badass. Hell, he’s got ‘wolf’ right in his name. He completed all his boards right away in both rounds which I love. The guy is geared up for these games. Look at the picture he sent me of his setup.


Enough about new Colin though, let’s get to the results.

Team Total
Pete / Beau 21
Christina / Brooks 21
Zee German / Novak 18
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named / Gilman 17
Colin / Kelly 16
Dean / Margaret 14
Punman / Annette 14
Melissa / Jonathon 14
TDO / Bret 11

So back to new Colin. He and Kelly just miss out on advancing to the next round. The top four teams advance, and will each pick one category from a list of 6 to form our second round boards. Each of the winners post your choice of category below (no repeats). You may or may not have any idea what the category implies, just like the real show. Except I will not be telling you what ties all the words together, you will just have to figure it out from the seven words. So you better clue your partner well. Pick from below.

Fiction 59
Machine of Death
Fortunately, Unfortunately
Meeting of the Mimes
Bantam Bulwyr

Don’t despair bottom teams, despite what I said at the onset, you’ll still get to play and earn consolation points if your are the best of the rest. But since it appears you have no clue, you will not be giving any. Once the top 4 have clued their boards, I will let those who want to play choose which clue giver/board they want to guess from. Each member on your team will be responsible for two boards. Don’t worry about the details now though, I will email you when the time comes.

Here are some of my favorite clues from this round.

Apron (Christina) – wear this to protect clothing; or to be a 50s housewife

Lava Tag (Jonathan) – Game, You’re it, you might die.
Flash (Melissa) – When that guy walks up to you in the bus, opens his jacket and says, “LOOK AT THIS!”  And he’s naked.
Exposure (Melissa) – This is what happens when the naked dude from the first clue goes outside in the cold and then dies.  He dies of ____.
Aperture (Pete) – ___ Science (company from Portal games)
Cattails (Margaret) – a plant of feline fluffiness
Turtle (Novak) – One Teenage mutant ninja
Lastly, Here are all the answers.

Say, Cheese!
Flash, Lens, Aperture, Exposure, Shutter, Memory Card, Backdrop
Yes, Chef!
Cutting board, Mandoline, Stove, Sauce pan, Blender, Apron, Slotted spoon
On Golden Pond
Turtle, Cattails, Algae, Lilypads, Bluegill, Dragonfly, Millfoil

Going to the Park
Kickball, Monkey bars, Wood chips, Lava Tag, Slide, Swings, Gazebo