Month July 2012

Week 12 Puzzle

Here we are. One week left. Don’t cry, just puzzle. Since we’re a day behind, puzzles will be due next Monday. Now I give you…the Pièce de résistance! (that means last puzzle, right?) pure_week12 For anyone who wants to fill the… Continue Reading →

Week 11 Results

Time to stop being so cryptic and finally post the answers you’ve been waiting for.

Week 11 Puzzle

Here is the week 11 puzzle. It is due Sunday, July 29 . No, really. Include bonus answers with your puzzle solutions. pure_week11

Week 10 Results

Hey! The “week” is finally over. Ok, so last week overlapped with this week. Deep, right?

Week 10 Puzzle

Here is the next puzzle. I apologize for being a day late. I apologize for the PDF form not being type ready. I apologize for whatever mistakes are in there and you have to redownload (pre-thank you, Matthew). I apologize… Continue Reading →

Week 9 Results

You all did pretty good this week. There were just a couple that hung most of you up.

Week 9 Puzzle

Just four puzzles left to go! Submissions due on Sunday. pure_week9_final (1)

Week 8 Results

Little harder week it seems. No one received a perfect score and the bonus went undiscovered.

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