Here we are. One week left. Don’t cry, just puzzle. Since we’re a day behind, puzzles will be due next Monday. Now I give you…the Pièce de résistance! (that means last puzzle, right?) pure_week12 For anyone who wants to fill the… Continue Reading →
Time to stop being so cryptic and finally post the answers you’ve been waiting for.
Here is the week 11 puzzle. It is due Sunday, July 29 . No, really. Include bonus answers with your puzzle solutions. pure_week11
Hey! The “week” is finally over. Ok, so last week overlapped with this week. Deep, right?
Here is the next puzzle. I apologize for being a day late. I apologize for the PDF form not being type ready. I apologize for whatever mistakes are in there and you have to redownload (pre-thank you, Matthew). I apologize… Continue Reading →
You all did pretty good this week. There were just a couple that hung most of you up.
Just four puzzles left to go! Submissions due on Sunday. pure_week9_final (1)
Little harder week it seems. No one received a perfect score and the bonus went undiscovered.
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sure, might be too late tho xd
Sure, why not?
I'm in, only because Beau needs a REAL challenge -- ha ha
I am melting in satyric pleasure.
Don't let them win, don't let them cheat Be the pedant you always have to be Reveal, and squeal, do…