You choked down April’s leftovers. Now who gets April’s desserts? (hmm, maybe I should rephrase that). Answers and the monthly champ revealed inside.
Rhyme Time: The answers to each of the four clues below are in the form of a rhyme. Correct answers will be more like a perfect rhyme, and have all of the syllables rhyming. Your answers can be longer than… Continue Reading →
Answers inside
The last points you can earn in April will be a sampling of a lot of the puzzle types that have already been played. There are 8 puzzles worth a total of 10 points. Who am I to judge which… Continue Reading →
Answers inside.
Wuzzles normally clue you to a common word or phrase, but these Wuzzles will clue you to a title. It could be the title of a book, movie, TV show, comic strip, song, etc. They may be an outright clue… Continue Reading →
Think-a-Link time. Here’s one more: uberminz, Beau, Randy
Due on Sunday. Email answers to Monday_07
Two Monday’s worth of puzzles revealed all at once!
Figure out the theme of each of the word groupings. It could be straight forward, a more subtle connection, have something to do with parts of the words, etc.. Example: apple, banana, pear Answer: fruits Example: gala, came, main Answer: words formed… Continue Reading →
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sure, might be too late tho xd
Sure, why not?
I'm in, only because Beau needs a REAL challenge -- ha ha
I am melting in satyric pleasure.
Don't let them win, don't let them cheat Be the pedant you always have to be Reveal, and squeal, do…