The villagers are all seated, waiting for the Priest’s sermon to begin on this Good Friday. They are growing restless. “Has anyone seen the Priest?” “I wouldn’t know him even if I saw him.” One villager notices a part of… Continue Reading →
The villagers gather in the square. The villagers go about their day. Day ends at 9:30 p.m. (Friday) Open all night 5 votes needed for a majority, 3 minimum to be lynched. Special Poster: Codefox Todahshy, bhiggum, BigPapaJonTheElf, and Beau… Continue Reading →
It’s another sunny morning in Taciturnsville. The villagers head towards the town square. “What in the blazes is that?” someone asks. In the middle of the square there is a dazzling light. A rainbow of colors radiate in every direction…. Continue Reading →
The village gathers in the square. Two dead bodies are there. They once belonged to nibbish and nettiebaron. “Looks like they tried to claw at their attackers,” someone says. “No, it looks like they died practicing their secret handshake,” says… Continue Reading →
[4.4.2019] What a scare last night. I had closed my eyes for just a moment, and woke with a start, ready to rush out to the bulletin board. But just then several villagers stumbled past my window, the stench of… Continue Reading →
It is nearing 3 o’clock in the morning. The Dread Pirate has been a statue, hiding in the shadows outside of spookymilk’s house since dark. He decides spookymilk is safe for the night, and takes a few steps towards the… Continue Reading →
The villagers all head to the square first thing in the morning to discuss a possible memorial service for Todahshy, and what to do about Codefox. “Hey, who was supposed to bury Todahshy?” someone asks. “I was,” says someone else,… Continue Reading →
Some time in the middle of the night Beezy wakes up to her stomach rumbling. “Damn raccoon stew,” she mumbles to no one. She shuffles towards the bathroom, but stops, sensing someone is there. She freezes, and without turning around… Continue Reading →
Running his fingers through his hair and adjusting the carnation on his lapel one last time, mbnovak hesitantly knocked on the door. He glanced over both shoulders to see if anyone was around to witness his foolishness. Thankfully there was… Continue Reading →
[3.26.2019] It has been one week since I escaped with my life from that lycan-infested Massachusetts town. Hours upon hours were spent sifting through newspapers, archives, and furry blogs trying to sniff out any hint of our predators, but to… Continue Reading →
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sure, might be too late tho xd
Sure, why not?
I'm in, only because Beau needs a REAL challenge -- ha ha
I am melting in satyric pleasure.
Don't let them win, don't let them cheat Be the pedant you always have to be Reveal, and squeal, do…