Round 2 is underway. If you are displeased with it starting so late, direct your ire at Gilman, because he put a puzzle out, and when you give me a good puzzle, I become obsessed like AMR when he…well…breathes.
There were some really close contests in Round 1. Single digits separated the winners from the losers. Did you make the cut?
We begin! Meet your competition. Here are the random groupings for round 1. Top 2 will advance from each group.
Hey all! I’m taking signups to play $20,000 Pyramid, a game I ran in Power Puzzlers. The time commitment is somewhere between 5-15 minutes depending on how far you advance. Ideally I’d be looking for 12 participants, but I can… Continue Reading →
Alright guys and gals, its been a while so I thought it was about time to get a new In and Out game going. For those of you who haven’t played this before or may have forgotten, I have copied… Continue Reading →
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sure, might be too late tho xd
Sure, why not?
I'm in, only because Beau needs a REAL challenge -- ha ha
I am melting in satyric pleasure.
Don't let them win, don't let them cheat Be the pedant you always have to be Reveal, and squeal, do…