Category Word Games

Codemaster Results

Team Annete/Bernice battle it out against Team Joseph/Matthew. Who wins to become the first Codemaster Champion?


The next play-by-email word game will be Codenames. I’ve never played it but it sounds interesting. You can learn about it here. Basically, there is a group of 25 words which are the codenames of spies. Some belong to blue… Continue Reading →

In & Out

The game starts out with one person who picks a theme of some sort and is the only person who is “in”. He then lists three things that are part of that theme to get people started. Next, people start… Continue Reading →


Starting singups for the next game after werewolf. It’s a new play by email game I came up with (maybe it exists already, I don’t know). Think of it as musical chairs crossed with Scattergories…kind of. Each day you will… Continue Reading →

In and Out XIV

Alright guys and gals, its been a while so I thought it was about time to get a new In and Out game going. For those of you who haven’t played this before or may have forgotten, I have copied… Continue Reading →

In and Out 12

In and out time, more straightforward than past iterations of mine I promise. Two Too Double

In and Out 10

It’s been too long. If you didn’t try In and Out 9, I think it was awesome: Here is a refresher to the rules or for those of you first timers. The game starts out with one person who picks… Continue Reading →

In and Out 8

It’s been awhile so why not. In case anyone was wondering the theme of the last two were: #6: Words from titles of Spookymilk Survivor Challenges #7: Words from titles of They Might Be Giants songs Here are your clue… Continue Reading →

In and Out 6

If you aren’t frantically trying finish up your turbo entry on your lunch break and you’ve already solved your puzzle, or your name is Matt and just can’t stay away from this game, here is round 6. vague spin sensation… Continue Reading →

In and Out 5

Because there is never enough to do around here. February Roman yardstick AND Mayan January ancestor Directions for thoes who haven’t played yet:

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