Okay, so I came up with one of my own. It may be lame or too easy…I don’t know. Anyway, would y’all like to do the community thing again or would you each like to email me separately for questions/answers… Continue Reading →
It’s been too long. If you didn’t try In and Out 9, I think it was awesome: http://spookymilk.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/in-out-9/ Here is a refresher to the rules or for those of you first timers. The game starts out with one person who picks… Continue Reading →
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sure, might be too late tho xd
Sure, why not?
I'm in, only because Beau needs a REAL challenge -- ha ha
I am melting in satyric pleasure.
Don't let them win, don't let them cheat Be the pedant you always have to be Reveal, and squeal, do…