Wait, Ryan. We were playing Pyramid? Yes. Yes we were. It was just the long, hard-core edition where you have a 2-year nightmare of scheduling issues. But 1,582 emails later, here are your results!
Results are in. Were our players in sync with the melodies? Did these rats get fat on points? Did the new kids on the block find a musical oasis among some calming tunes?
For the second month in a row, Andrew is our puzzle winner. Good job! Most of the answers were figured out by at least one person. Castaway was a nice alternative answer to 15…which was better than the attempted James… Continue Reading →
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sure, might be too late tho xd
Sure, why not?
I'm in, only because Beau needs a REAL challenge -- ha ha
I am melting in satyric pleasure.
Don't let them win, don't let them cheat Be the pedant you always have to be Reveal, and squeal, do…